All of our services are hybrid. Please join us in-person or on Zoom at 10:15am on Sundays! If you are new and would like to join us on-line, please call 734-971-6133.

Thanks for stopping by to learn more about our congregation. We are a joyful, welcoming and inclusive church that values our deep connections to God, to one another, and to our larger community. If you are looking for a church home, we would love for you to stop by for worship to meet us or call the church office for more information. Truly, all are welcome at The Church of the Good Shepherd.
Listen to or Watch a Sermon
Christian Zionism is Not about Supporting Jewish People
Sunday, March 17, 2024
February 25, 2024
Hind Rajah
Easter Sunday 2022
At the Church of the Good Shepherd, we seek to live and proclaim an active, open-minded, joy-filled faith in Jesus Christ.
We value gender inclusive language – the practice of using both masculine and feminine images when referring to humanity and to God. Feel free to use the words you prefer.
We value racial diversity and seek a style of worship and ministry that reflects the numerous perspectives, traditions, and practices of our diverse ethnic heritage.
We value and affirm gay, lesbian, and bisexual, transgender and questioning persons, their families and friends, and encourage their full participation in our church’s life and ministry.
We value peace and justice, and work to eliminate inequality, prejudice, hate, fear, and violence in our community and the world.
We value the environment and work to restore health to our planet for this and future generations.