
Worship is central to our church life. We begin worship on Sundays at 10:15am. In worship, we remember and celebrate God’s love for all of God’s children. In worship, we remember and celebrate the beauty of being God’s people in this church. In worship, we remember and celebrate our historical and biblical faith. In worship, we remember and celebrate God’s call to us to be a justice-seeking people.
Expect a genuine and warm welcome! Our congregation is quite friendly and we love welcoming one another to worship. We especially love welcoming guests and visitors! Guests are greeted by many folks before and after worship. At announcements, we invite any guests to introduce themselves if they feel comfortable doing so.
Sunday morning worship, which begins at 10:15, is joyful, lively and informal and usually lasts about an hour and a half. Here’s what you can expect on most Sunday mornings:
Lots of singing and music
Being welcomed to take Communion
Consistent and clear commitment to Social Justice
Details below!
Lots of singing and music: While we have had to put a pause on congregational singing as well as offerings from our volunteer choir in the wake of the pandemic, music is still a central part of worship and we value songs that reflect the diversity of our congregation.
Open Communion table: We take Communion on the first Sunday of each month. We believe that the Communion table belongs only to God and no human should stand in the way of God’s children from partaking in the elements of bread and cup. Everyone, without exception, is welcome at the Table—we invite our guests to discern for themselves whether they would like to receive Communion. Our post-pandemic communion table includes gluten-free crackers and grapes (fruit of the vine, just not wine). We rotate serving Communion with people remaining in their seats and inviting people to come forward to receive the elements.
Consistent and clear commitment to social justice: We believe that our biblical and historical faith calls God’s people to work for justice. The Bible, primarily in the prophetic tradition of the Old Testament and in the Gospels, is clear—God calls us to work for justice for the poor, the hungry, the marginalized and the overlooked. Throughout the Church’s history, there have always been Christians resisting injustice and working for equality and fairness for the powerless and voiceless. Our worship reflects this biblical and historical commitment. We don’t separate our justice work from our worship life—they are intimately connected.
Closing worship with God’s Shalom (peace): Every Sunday we traditionally conclude our worship by forming a Shalom circle where we sing and join hands to show our unity. The Shalom circle is a powerful moment where we can all see one another and thank God for our beautiful worshiping community. While we have not been able to continue this tradition in socially-distanced worship, our hearts still join in this intention.
We hope you will join us soon!